
Delayed coking technology for zero-fuel oil production


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随着世界转向净零排放的未来,该行业面临着全球性挑战. 炼油商正在努力提高利润率,同时向清洁能源转型,并适应不断变化的能源格局.

一个明显转变的领域是对电动汽车(ev)的需求。. With increasing EV adoption, conventional transportation fuel will continue to decline, 而用于电池制造的合成石墨的需求预计将会增长.

另外, 全球每年产生的塑料垃圾超过2.6亿吨,其中只有16%被回收利用, the excess is either incinerated, 产生温室气体或最终进入垃圾填埋场和海洋.

Retrofitting solutions for more sustainable refineries

Wood’s selective-yield delayed coking technology (SYDECSM)是零燃料油生产中领先的渣油升级方法. 它为炼油厂提供了灵活性,以利用焦化炉中的各种残留物来减少浪费并支持能源转型目标.

解决方案 include:

  • High return on investment and low CAPEX revamps
  • 延迟焦化中再生塑料/橡胶和再生热解油的处理
  • 废润滑油再精炼生产符合IMO标准的低硫燃料油(LSFO)
  • SDA revamps for heavy lube stocks production
  • 数字解决方案和技术,以优化单元操作和发现容易实现的收入改善
  • 由于大流行和运输燃料需求的减少, 延迟焦化装置(DCU)没有以其设计能力运行. To address this challenge, Wood is applying our existing SYDECSM 技术,以帮助客户重新利用现有的焦化炉更可持续的未来.

    SYDECSM 优势

    由于我们广泛的延迟焦化许可和设计经验, we can design units tailored to individual refinery needs.

    我们的设计包括生产所有类型的焦炭形态,如燃料、阳极和针状焦炭. 我们强大的技术组件和80年的延迟焦化设计历史,超过300万BPSD的焦化装机容量有助于巩固我们在这一领域的领先地位.


    Technological benefits

    · Easy integration to enable processing of heavier cheaper crudes

    · Complete residue conversion, 将低价值残留物转化为高价值燃料,从而实现利润最大化


    · Feedstock flexibility to process residue, 球场, 轻轻倒出油, pyoil, 塑料, and/or partially converted materials

    · Proprietary TerraceWallTM delayed coker heater, 斜壁双燃加热器,延长了剥落和周转之间的运行长度,延长了运行时间,降低了维护成本

    ·采用开放式焦炭桶结构布局,最大限度地提高操作人员的安全性, 提高出口, sophisticated coke drum and heater interlocks, and slide valve unheading


    · Environmentally friendly process with no continuous slops, fully en关闭d blowdown system, and clean coke handling systems leading to reduced emissions

    Where Wood adds value

    Improved reliability, operability and efficiency

    • Proprietary TerraceWallTM double-fired heater
    • Advanced coke drum design
    • Fractionator wash zone sprays and fines removal
    • Low-pressure, ultra-low recycle
    • On-line spalling/pigging
    • ·数字延迟焦化,用于远程在线监测和优化


    • Slide valve unheading system
    • Extensive safety interlocks to prevent maloperation
    • Improved deck layout and better safety egress
    • Full coker automation available
    • Coke drum life monitoring program
    • Centre feed device for drum feed entry

    Environmentally friendly process

    • Low-sulphur fuel gas production
    • En关闭d coke transport and storage
    • En关闭d blowdown recovery systems
    • Clean coke handling systems
    • Waste by-product processing including slops and sludge
    • Water minimisation
    • Improved heat integration

    Reduced technology risk and interface with full life cycle support

    • Feasibility studies
    • Process design packages
    • Front-end engineering design (FEED)
    • Detailed engineering
    • Procurement and construction (EPC)
    • Construction management

    We provide unit checkout, 调试, start-up and operations assistance, and comprehensive training (operations, 维护, operator training simulator).

    我们的团队还通过技术服务协议提供售后服务,以实现持续的支持,从而优化运营, extended heater run length, and enhanced reliability of coke drums for longer drum life.

    的Srini Srivatsan
    Director, Coking Technology