76th UN General Assembly Week

Wood is driving climate action to achieve a more sustainable future

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76年th session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA 76) is a momentous opportunity for all 193 member states of the United Nations to address some of the world’s most complex challenges. With a critical focus on creating resilience to recover from COVID-19, respecting the rights of people and responding to the needs of the planet, there’s no doubt this year’s UNGA 76 will be historic, especially as the globe turns its attention to the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26).

From now until the 30th 9月, more than 300 events will take place in connection with UNGA 76 where world leaders, 加速器, 创业公司, academia and civil society will come together around a shared vision to develop a more sustainable future.

本周, I will be joined by some of Wood’s top industry experts in speaking at several in-person and virtual summits including New York Climate Week, 目标之家, 下一次峰会, the World Humanitarian Forum, 点燃的新闻, Uniting Business Live with UN Global Compact, SustainChain天, IIED Africa Private Climate Finance Event, the Fourth Annual Leaders on Purpose CEO Summit, and the WEF Sustainable Development Impact Summit. I am excited to meet, collaborate with and inspire other decision makers to drive climate action, pioneer innovative solutions and forge the path to a better future.


Against the backdrop of UNGA 76, Wood is supporting the Global Goals Business Avengers, representing Sustainable Development Goal 7, Affordable and Clean 能源 to accelerate progress towards a more sustainable, 宜居的世界. It aligns with our strategy and the unstoppable momentum we see towards delivering a healthier, cleaner planet underpinned by low-carbon energy systems.

In support of this, we are participating in the 世界待办事项清单 领导的运动 项目所有人, to raise awareness and action for the Global Goals. Spearheaded by a group of global organisations, each company will dedicate physical and digital space to the 17 Global Goals through sticky notes and share their efforts to reach specific goals. This unique initiative serves as a reminder that we all can comes together around an actionable plan to solve the world’s problems.

UNGA 76 will also launch the Ocean Stewardship Coalition as part of the next phase of the Sustainable Ocean Business Action Platform to secure a healthy and productive ocean by 2030 – a key initiative Wood is supporting to deliver ocean-based solutions.

I believe the meaningful discussions had during UNGA 76 will spark transformative change and mobilise the accelerated transition to sustainable development. I encourage you to join the global dialogue virtually as we build momentum leading up to COP26 where Wood will continue the conversation at the Wood House  , stay tuned for more information.
